Spanish+ Sports Courses
Spanish courses with sports lessons to choose from football to surf.
Spanish courses
Intensive Spanish course + Horse riding Escuela Montalbán
| 1-2 semanas
Course + accommodation from 420.00 €
Intensive Spanish course + Climbing Escuela Montalbán
| 1-2 semanas
Course + accommodation from 630.00 €
Learn about everything you will find in our Spanish+ Sports Courses
Doing sport is an occassion to interact with other people while you exercise your body and unwind your mind. In the programmes Spanish+ Sports in Spain, the student can improve their language level training in or outdoor. Spain is full of spots where you can enjoy cycling, horse riding or climbing. There are also coast locations that offer surfing or sailing classes.
The language course is complemented by various classes of the chosen activity. The student has a choice of where do they want to do the sport - yoga outside or some group plays in the closed pitch. It is important to pay attention to the city your opting for as each one of them has other things to offer.
Spanish+ Sports courses give the student opportunity to extend their stay up to various weeks, include transfers and different forms of accommodation such as host family in individual or double room with breakfast, half-board or full board. The groups of these programmes tend to be reduced in size.
Theory lessons of Spanish and Sports courses are available for all the levels from A1 to C2. The activities are guided by professional monitors of the chosen disciplines.