Preparatory courses for DELE, SIELE, CCSE and other official exams
Preparatory courses for DELE, SIELE, CCSE and other official exams
Preparatory courses for DELE, SIELE, CCSE and other official exams
Preparatory courses for DELE, SIELE, CCSE and other official exams
Course types
Spanish courses
DELE preparation course 10 AIL Madrid
| 2 o 4 semanas
Course + accommodation from 300.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 + 10 AIL Madrid
| 2 o 4 semanas
Course + accommodation from 680.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 Don Quijote Salamanca
| 2 o 4 semanas
Course + accommodation from 640.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 Don Quijote Valencia
Course + accommodation from 640.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 Enforex Barcelona
| 2 o 4 semanas
Course + accommodation from 640.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 Enforex Granada
| 2 o 4 semanas
Course + accommodation from 640.00 €
DELE preparatory course 20 Enforex Madrid
Course + accommodation from 640.00 €
Learn about everything you will find in our Preparatory courses for DELE, SIELE, CCSE and other official exams
Currently there are three types of exams that are known for their level and preparation time requiered from the students who want to sit an exam. One of them is DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera), SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) and CCSE (Conocimientos Constitucionales y Socioculturales de España). There are different programmes preparing students for these exams.
DELE courses are held on different levels leaving the student choice of which one they want to prepare depending on their knowledge. This demanding test forces learners to have great level of Spanish and know the exam structure. For this reason the courses provide cultural immersion for the participants.
To obtain Spanish nationality it is obligatory to pass CCSE exam. Preparatory courses for CCSE are of different intensities and classes are related to Spanish culture.
SIELE exam, on the other hand, was created by Instituto Cervantes and Universidad Autónoma de México. After completing this exam, the student receives a certificate with points determining the level. SIELE courses are designed for participants of different levels.
Reinforcement is the important aspect of education and that's why there are revision courses GCSE with individual and group sessions.
The programmes have various options of lodging available.