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Learning Spanish has never been so easy, design your programme.


Learn Spanish in Spain

Explore courses, schools and locations for your learning

The best Spanish courses in Spain

Accredited by the Instituto Cervantes

Spring course for teens Maravillas


Intensive Spanish course 20 Españolé IH


Intensive Spanish course 20 AIL Madrid


Summer Camp in residence (13 - 15) Españolé IH


At Dencanto we are specialists in Spanish training.

We verify each school and provide you with an educator to define your perfect immersion experience. Find your Spanish course and accommodation in one click. We guarantee your experience.

Save time and effort

Check out our free level test and get started with your Spanish language training.

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Hello, I'm Maria, Shall we talk?

Contact your advisor and design your educational experience

Don't miss the opportunity to live a unique and enriching experience. Contact our agents through our fully personalised service and start your learning experience with Dencanto Community.

Our courses will meet your requirements

The courses are designed by an extensive team of native teachers. Lessons are based on the communicative method. They are interactive and fun, aimed at quickly improving your Spanish level.


Unbeatable destinations

A unique experience in each city of Spain

Discover the cultural richness of Spain with our destinations. Immerse yourself in a tailor-made educational experience


Satisfied students

An ever-growing

Our students who have trusted us to provide them with a unique experience in Spain. Do you wish to discover it for yourself?


Immersive experiences

Design your own educational experience

You have the opportunity to configure your educational experience in Spain to your taste and and totally personalized


Educational institutions

Top quality in every

We regularly evaluate all the schools we work with to make sure you are always in good hands

They have already lived the #dencantoexperience

Discover what awaits you in your educational experience from those who have already trusted Dencanto Community

Opinion Dencanto Community Opinion Dencanto Community

Are you a Spanish school?
Join the community

If you think that your Spanish school is one of the best in your city, email us and we will begin the analysis process.

Unión Europea Xpande